The estate
The estate is located in the Bardenas Reales Nature Park and Biosphere Reserve. This is the largest desert in Europe, with some very specific climate conditions. Days with temperatures of more than 40ºC, freezing nights of -5ºC, strong gusts of wind, little rainfall, which is generally sudden and torrential and months on end with no rain at all.
Part of the land is located in the Bardena Negra, at an altitude of 650 metres, at the limit for almond growing and where the temperatures and wind are even more extreme.
The remaining land is to be found in the southeast of the Bardenas Reales, surrounded by vultures and clayey hills which change shape with every rainfall.
The whole geographical environment and climate conditions of this unique area, create water and heat stress in the trees, giving the almonds some exceptional characteristics in terms of shape, size and flavour.